Yunxiao Du   (杜云箫)

I am a second-year master student at Zhejiang University Dilab advised by Ke Chen, Lidan Shou and Dawei Jiang. Before that, I received my B.Eng. in 2020 from Nanchang University where I was advised by Zichen Xu.

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I am interested in distributed systems, especially consensus protocols. In the past, I have been trying to design a cloud native consensus protocol to auto scala out and reduce the service cost. My current research focus is designing a new LSMT storage engine based on persistent memory to better support distributed relational databases.
Cost-effective Strong Consistency on Scalable Geo-diverse Data Replicas
Yunxiao Du*, Zichen Xu, Kanqi Zhang, et al. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 2022

     In this paper , I designed a cloud native raft protocol (BW-Raft) to improve the scalability of original raft and save service costs by using spot instance.

LazyStore: A Range Query Workload Adaptive Key-Value Store based on Hybrid Memory Index   [WIP]

     In this project, I designed Lazytree a hybrid memory index to better support distributed database based on Silkstore . This project is currently being advised and collaborated by Xinjing Zhou .

ByteDance   Applied Research Center-Storage    2022.5 - Present, Beijing, China

     Working on TerarkDB's Link Compaction project. In this project, I am mainly responsible for designing and implementing Link Compaction under the guidance of mentor and other colleagues.

Teaching Assistant for Operating System in ZJU (Fall 2021)
Win the championship of Nanchang University Football League,
Swim across the 4km + Ganjiang River,
Ride 2000km + G318 Sichuan Tibet line in 22 days ,
Finish Zhoushan half marathon in two hours,